Mcintosh MC2000 owners please help

Im awaiting my Mc2000 and currently have the 1201's with the C2200 preamp. Decided to go for a change and sold the C2200, would like to try the C200 and reverse my SS & tube setup ( could always switch back ). What speakers have you been using or gone thru? My first choice are the Nova or Utopia's, and the MBL 101D ( have a budget of 12 to 19 k and looking for used only ), but just read this months issue of stereophile advising against tubes, whereas the fist reveiw of the MC2000 in 1999 was done with the Utopia's and had favorable results. Im all for one in trying gear out but flipping speakers at this weight and price level is not something Im looking forward to. Rest of my gear is the MCD751 trans, EAD 9000 MKIII dac, and will be buying a C200. My questions with tubes will come at a later date when everything is in place. Thanks in advance, John
Thanks Bwhite, did you ever try KT90's. Ive seen many of the MC2000's on sale have swaped out their tubes with the 90's. Regards, John
Hello Aida, the Amati homage was on my list. We have a local chain that carries sonus faber here in fla but only go as high as the cremonas which just wouldnt be enough speaker in my room size. Planning a trip to NYC and will give the Amati's a try along with the Utopias. Another audition Im curious for are the Avante garde Duos. Regards, John
Velo62, I've listened to the KT90's in other amps and didn't like them. The real truth is, if you (or anyone else) listens to any KT88 tube amp and doesn't use M.O.Valve - GEC/Genalex tubes you may as well (for the most part) stick with solid state - because you would be missing the REAL magic of tubes. Modern tubes, no matter which, are quite simply not even in the same class as vintage tubes.
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Hi Bwhite - have you heard the newer ss amps from Mac like the 402 or M501's? I am considering the 501's to drive my Thiel 3.6's with a cj prem 14 pre.