Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Interim update: The plan I previously mentioned to re-measure my speakers has been delayed a bit, in part because last week a sudden and particularly violent thunderstorm resulted in damage to the power supply of my HDP-5. But to make a short story shorter, DEQX responded in an incredibly prompt and supportive manner, and I was back in business within a few days.

I now expect that I'll have time to perform the measurements sometime next week.

Kudos to DEQX!

Best regards,
-- Al
Bruce, no, as it turned out I didn't get a chance to re-do the speaker measurements this week. And I've got a number of other things scheduled for the next several days. So it might be another week or so before I'm able to do the measurements.

Meanwhile, though, the HDP-5 continues to please just as a preamp and DAC upgrade, used in either bypass mode or with the one fairly conservative speaker correction profile I indicated early on was superior to the others.

Best regards,
-- Al

Logically, I should probably try going "sans" Ref 5 SE (linestage) too and solo it with the PreMATE as my preamp (like you). But I can't bear to part with my beloved ARC gear. I think ... but am admittedly not sure ... that inserting the Ref 5 SE into the signal path does little harm. So it stays.

At some point, my speaker curiosity may get the better of me, but for now I am standing down on that upgrade. I have no way of meaningfully and reliably making a decision unless a dealer is willing to permit a home audition. And even then, I'd have to reconfigure my PreMATE. Too much of a PITA. So, I'm holding where I am for now.

Maybe ... I'll take a run up to John Rutan's shop in Verona, NJ and do some serious listening to a pair of Vandy Quatro CTs. Anything larger will not fit in my basement. I'm thinking about Vandies because they are purportedly time coherent. Also, Johnny R is an ARC dealer and can hook an ARC amp to the Quattros to effect a better sound comparison. And, I've read very good reports on the Vandy CT (carbon fiber) tweeter.

Anyway ... just my late Saturday night ramblings.

Looking forward to reading an updated report when you get a chance to turn back to your HDP-5.
