SS/Mono Amps Warm,Musical,Detailed

Looking for some suggestions on SS/Mono amps that sound Warm but are very Musical and Detailed...But reasonably priced.
I was wondering if the Monarchy Deluxe-100's or the Odyssey Stratos amps are the answer??
Any Suggestions????
Mick, glad you asked. The H2O stereo can power any speaker. I have mine doing wonders for 1 ohm speakers. So far, I have only heard a loaner prototype on dynamic speakers, Green Mountain. It was eery. The H2O provides a huge soundstage - very deep. The Green Mountains dissapeared.
Used Pass Aleph amplifiers..single ended class push pull

Used Threshold SA3 around 700/800 is a very good and powerful 50 watt pure Class A amp with huge power supply; ditto for the Krell KSA50 but they trade for around a grand or a bit more. The Threshold seems a bargain.
There is no link to H2O amps yet, other than an email address. The builder has been finding it hard to find the time necessary to build a web site.

I can tell you there are people I know who are selling off Evo, Krell, eAR, Pass, HSA, and Rowland amps, for a stereo or mono H2O.

The startup company H2O is going to be in full production sometime next month, including a web site.