Accuphase find

Hello all, I bought an Accuphase C-200 and the matching P-300 amp for $250 yesterday. Everything works and looks fantastic, and sounds amazing. I don't know much about these pieces and any comments or info would be welcome. Thank you, Rich
Accuphase is good stuff. Very high quality and expensive when new.
For $250, you got a STEAL!
You got a deal. The P300 alone reguarlly goes for more than $250 in nice shape. I have seen P300s go for more than $1000 on that auction know the one that begins with an 'E.' Anyway, it is pretty stright foward stuff, and built like a Brick....well you know. Anyway, good luck. I know the P300 is a great sounding amp and should really satisfy on most speaker systems. I love it: Have had two of them, but am presently looking for a P500 or P450 amp. I dout if I'll get one anywhere near $250, though. Also, go to Accuphase. com, and click on products, then old models. You will find all the specs on these units there. The P300 is rated at 150watts into 8ohm, but It has tons of guts. I liked it better than my Mc2500.