Fluctuating volume in one channel: Part II

I posted a few days ago about my left channel volume fluctuating from time to time. I got advice saying that it was most likely either the tubes in the preamp or a bad solder joint on an interconnect.

I switched the tubes in the preamp from left to right and right to left and the problem stayed the same (left channel fluctuating). Then I switched the ICs between the preamp and the amp from right to left and left to right. The problem stayed the same (left channel still fluctuating).

I did not bother switching the ICs from the cd player to the preamp because the problem remains even if I listen from a different source.

What is next in line for me to test? If you would like to see the other thread, it can be found here:
Forgive me for starting another thread, but I know old threads don't always get read.
Hello Ketchup. Did you get your system working properly yet? I hope you haven't had to go without music all this time.

Earnest, I have been listening to music for about 5 minutes at a time... after that the left channel cuts out. It's pretty rough :(

I narrowed it down (without a doubt) to a faulty amp. I spoke with Classe and will be sending it back as soon as I get it packaged up safely. I hope their customer service is good!
Bummer...sorry to hear that Ketchup. You surely don't need a double-whammy of FedEx or UPS shipping damage, so be Super Careful on the packaging. I know you know the original box is insufficient for safety.

I recommend you get a big 4'x8' sheet of foam insulation from Home Depot and a larger box from U-Haul. You need at least 2 inches of the sturdy foam on all 6 sides of the original box for protection from the "gorillas."

Nearly EVERYTHING HEAVY that has been shipped to me over the past couple years has arrived damaged! I'm still fuming about a vintage amp and several sheets of granite. Please forget about 3 things: The UPS Store, bubble wrap, and peanuts. Good luck!

Also, be sure to read Lester_ears "A Packing and Shipping Manifesto" in the forums.
Correction: bubble wrap is cool for light weight items. Styrofoam peanut factories should be terminated, IMHO.
I posted a similar cry for help several weeks ago, concerning one of my Bryston 7B-ST's, but never followed up with Bryston's fix: they found, and replaced in a very quick turnaround, a faulty switch (the one which selects series or parallel operation).

Now get this: I sent the unit from TN to Bryston's repair facility in NH on a Thursday. It arrived in NH the following Monday; they repaired it and had it on its way back to TN Tuesday, scheduled for delivery on Friday. In fact, however, although UPS tracking showed it "out for delivery" all day Friday, it was not delivered until the following Monday! I'm still convinced the guy in the brown truck on Friday decided to start his weekend early and let some other schlub deliver the amp later.

I was relieved to find no damage. That would have been the icing on the cake.

Bryston is a class act!