looking for amp for thiel 2.4 speakers.

i just sold my classe ca-300 to a friend who really wanted it and paid plenty for it (and i was not very happy with it), so now i need a new amp. i am looking for something used around the $1500-$2000 range.
the rest of my system is sonic frontiers line 1 pream(tube), classe cd player (being replaced by sonic frontiers cd player (tube) very soon) and acoustic zen cables and ps audio power cables.
i liked the combination of tubes ans solid state, so a solid state amp is my first choice. can anybody recomend, the only 2 that i have in mind are:
bat vk-200
plinius sa-100

thanks in advance.
I love my thiel 2.3’s with my pass labs equipment. I started with the x-150 and x-2. I now have the x-1 and x-350 (I needed more inputs than the x-2 and I also will upgrade the thiel 6’s when space permits) The x-150 and x-2 are closer to x-350 and x-1 than they are to the x-0 and x-600 monoblocks. I don’t need to purchase any tubes with my thiels now. The x-150 and x-250 or x-350 are very inexpensive here on agon.

Hope this helps
I was speaking with some representatives from Musical Fidelity at the stereo show in NYC in May and they were demonstrating their amplifiers with Thiel speakers. Their claim was that this pairing was more than just a show pairing, but rather they felt that their amps sounded best with Thiel speakers. In fact, they went on to say that they own each others' products. I am a MF fan and own the MF CDPRE24 and the A300 power amp (paired with non-Thiel speakers though). I must admit, I really enjoyed the MF pairing with the Thiels. You may wish to investigate MF's A3.2 and/or 308 integrated amps ... though they are both solid state amps.

Regards, Rich
I can't disagree with the previous posters, only offer another option that I'm using with my sonic frontiers line 1 and thiel 2.3: McCormack. Inexpensive to start with, cheap on agon, plenty of current output for the thiels (and 2.4 an easier load than 2.3), a lack of solid-state midrange hardness that the thiels can expose mercilessly, a sonic signature slightly to the dark side to offset the un-dark thiels, and factory upgrade options should you want the very best sound possible.
DNA125 should be fine for nearfield listening, DNA225 more power than 2.4s can absorb, but nice to have...