Warmest solid-state integrated for under $2k


I'm looking for the warmest sounding solid state integrated amp on the market for under $2k new. Any ideas?

I would look at the Blue Circle CS or NSCS integrated amps.

Simply put, that are works of art and sound beautiful.


Happy Listening,
FWIW, I had my Musical Fidelity A 300 integrated (150X2) modded by Tube Research Labs. The cost of the mod is $550.
The MF A300 can be had used for $8-900 here on AGON.

Very neutral warmish sound with a major reduction in harshness or glare, and lower noise floor after the mod.
Very extended on both ends, great soundstage depth and size.
Made a good amp an excellent amp.
Hey there Lkdog :-)

Do you run your TRL front end throught your MF A300? Must be smooooooth. :-)

Yes it is a very nice sounding combo with the upgraded TRL Marantz SA14 modification.
Only on poorly mastered CD's that are too bright do I get glare or listener fatigue now.
Very smooth and detailed.