Why the switch from Kharma/Tenor to DarTZeel/VSA

Perhaps, its like that old joke that Woody talks about in the beginning of Annie Hall:

"And it goes like this-I'm paraphrasing: Uh ...
"I would never wanna belong to any club
that would have someone like me for a
member." "

But, why does it seem that some of the original Kharma/Tenor/emm labs club members are switching over to DarTZeel amps and Von Schweikert speakers. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like there are many Tenor hybrids or Kharma speakers going up for sale ... yet
Entertaining, yes, informative, uh...

I guess I'm silly for finding something that gets things right in the first place and leaving it alone. There is no perfect component or speaker, just different approaches and I guess I'm old school wanting proven solutions that work well together instead of chasing my tail, to focus on the music. More than one way to get down the road but I'm done being a guinea pig and imagine some of you are, too. Just my biased opinion...

Well Brian, ideally you're correct, but if one is fortunate enough to be exposed to different gear the chance of finding something that "seems" better presents itself. It's an individual choice that people make to the best of their ability. Such as going from Atmaspheres to JC-1's. And I'd hardly classify as guinea pigs anyone wanting to purchase a pair of Sound Labs and drive them with the JC-1's if they like it better than their previous amp/speaker combo. I've heard it and it sounds great. Happy for them. Or even moving up in a given product line. Even those at their ideal stopping point had to get there somehow. And those that never do? Well, if they've the disposable income to swap out gear ad infinitum, so what? What's the harm? Why are people seemingly insulted and take issue with that? If some have a problem with that, well that's exactly what it is: their problem. And somewhat petty at that. I really don't want to get into a pissing contest here. I have neither the energy, nor prostate, for it. I'm happy and enjoy this hobby, and don't begrudge anyone for whatever moves they make. I'm not personally offended by any change anyone makes, regardless of how many and seemingly ludicrous. If I was, it's time to look more closely at me than them.
Yes, Brian, it seems to me that since no system, however expensive, will achieve perfection (whatever that is), there is an understandable impulse on the part of some, not all, audiophiles to tinker, tweak, and experiment. You yourself have clearly not been immune to this impulse, though you may have settled (for now) on a system you find pleasing.
Great post Mark! Hey, I am happy too!!!!! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

How is it sounding?

Mark, Frank, and Jacob have all stated it very well. This hobby allows for so many different ways to the "top"--and "top" is such a subjective term anyway--that it's pointless in getting upset that someone has a different approach than you. Some people have more money, some less, some like to experiment, some don't--it's all relative. The point is, we all love music and love to hear it reproduced well. That commonality has allowed me to meet a lot of nice people in this hobby, and has allowed a lot of others to do the same, and I think that ultimately what counts. Can I get an amen?