Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon ?

I have no experience with tubes, and want to give them a try on my Avalon Eidolon (not diamonds) speakers (87 dB sensitivity, 4 ohm nominal, 3.6 ohm minimum). I'm using dCS Elgar + Purcel front end and currently not using a pre-amp, cardas neutral reference cables. I listen mostly to jazz, some classical, some rock.

Looking for suggestions on tube amp(s), preferably with balanced inputs, but not mandatory. I'm willing to spend some money, up to say $15k, and will probably try to buy used.

Thoughts and recommendations appreciated. Thanks. John.
I am driving a pair of Avalon Ascent II speakers with an ARC Ref 2 into a Pass Labs 350.5 The combination works quite well and is far more musical than the ARC VT200 it replaced.
Audiodiver - I tried the VPA with my Visions and they drove them without any problems. I much prefered my Lamm M1.2 Ref though, which are a better amps alllaround IMO.
Thank you, Elberoth2, good to hear direct feed back on this match. I have never heard the Lamm's (difficult to find here), but they are apparently 110 watt hybrids, so, on the same speaker, they should play louder and with less strain thant the VPA. I will keep you posted when I receive the Eidolons.
Why does Avalon frequently pair their speakers with Boulder amps at shows? Just because they are neighbors?
I'm sure the fact that they are neighbours has "something" to do with it; but you've made a good point.
