Edesilva, looks like you have lots of ARC/Proac experience :-), and you have touched upon a subject that has interested me. You mention that you also use the D250MKII amps. I know of a local friend with one for sale and a monster it is. I am a little leary of having to retube this creature (16 tubes!!!!) I didn't know they could be mono blocked yowza!!! Do you prefer these amps to the VT100's? It would cost me around the same amount for the D250MKII or the VT100MKII, is there something special to note about either? As I am still into solid state and the D400mkII is still of interest, can it be mono blocked as well?
Thank you all for your replies as it is a great help in designing a top notch system in my budget range.
Thank you all for your replies as it is a great help in designing a top notch system in my budget range.