Tube power vs Solid state power, how much is enoug

Thinking about getting into tubes. My concern is how much is enough? From what I've seen, tube amp power is, on the whole, lower than solid state. I mean - ain't watts, watts? It's sort of confusing. Not being a big fan of non-dynamic (plannar, which there is nothing wrong with them, just not my cup of tea)speakers, I aim to wind up with either BW802, Legacy Focus/whispers, or the like. Unless I can find another way to achieve full range sound with a tube anp, I'll probably use(and really want to), my Krell with the tube, in a two amp configuration, driving one pair of the above mentioned units.

Shouldn't manufacturers just state voltage development or current ratings, instead of watts? Sure, more folks recognize the term watts, as it relates to power. But if it all comes down to how much voltage/current can be developed, and how quickly, then the term "watts", seems arbitrary. More so wehn you talk about "tube amps".

For the most part, I've long since quit looking at specs and just let my ears do the judging. That seems the best route. Problem with that is my ears usually end up arguing with my wallet, heart, and what is left of my brain. Some of these arguments are frightful. The winner is not always the ears. More times than not, the wallet wins. (not always), but usually. I try to leave the brain out of it as much as possible. Although, in this instance, I need to throw the brain a bone so I ask this question.

Just how do you figure out tube watts vs. solid state?

Please help my poor, ignored, seldom the winner, brain.

the brain
Thank you. Everybody. I'm a bit late in responding to this line of thoughts and experiences, but I do thank you all.

I've chosen what I think is best for me.... tubed preamp, and Solid state amp. Seems the logical choice with fair benefits over strickly SS all the way. Not to mention the greater assortment of loudspeakers that are made available by virtue of the SS amp. I do love the combo I have now. When with speakers not known for their "Audiofool" (and yes, I'm including myself there too)qualities, but far more than adequate, colorless and homogenously coherent speakers... the sound I have is absolutely liquid. Detail, sweet, warm, rich all of these apply.... a good source as well adds to the mix... got one of those too. Finally.

Presently, I reside in the realm of "Man, that's really good!" everytime I turn it on and play it, now. of course, I would prefer to be in the court of "Man, that's really great." each time I play it, though.... and hence the quest for a bit more something edges me onward. Upward. More to the point, to the arena of "Man You sure must have more dollars than sense." which is where I would need to be to acquire the items on my wish list. Not necessarily the item one needs to obtain great audio but close to that , "...great!" sounding ball park. As evidenced by the current state of affairs I enjoy. I am not insatiable. I do have limits. I can be happy simply with the sound that continues to present itself as fresh, involving and musical at each sitting. I am certain also, that domain is soon to be one I enjoy routinely.... a few more peripherals, wires, and an upgrade in loudspeakers will, I am sure, do the trick.

So thanks again for your experience and wisdom, and interesting insights. Perhaps one day given my taste in sound, I'll go ALL tube.... for the time being with an amp of very good quality and less than two years old, I shall remain in this not uncommon space where glass and transistors, give voice to a most wonderful song.
Can I raise another can of worms, after this excellent thread seems to have come to a natural conclusion. Most people agree there is a difference between tube and SS watts, possibly related to the tube amps prediliction for "soft clipping", but what about the difference between the watts in different tube applications? It's my impression there are clear differences, going beyond the Class A, A/B question. Am I right in saying Push/Pull has less grunt than SET for example and output tube choice is critical too, maybe EL34, less than 300B, in turn less than 845 or KT88. I may be way off track, but would appreciate any views. The proviso is of course, different speakers present different loads to the power amp and so produce different apparent volume levels.
I am sitting firmly on the fences when it comes to tube vs. transistor.

Of the many tube amps I've owned, I've yet to find one that is completely satisfying in the bass. The best ones gave me good bass without the depth, tightness, and impact of the best solid-state bass. And there is quite a bit of information missing at the top end which invariably leads to a reduced sound stage. For rock and big symphonic music, ALL my tube amps were deficient in the bass and ran out of gas, even at 120 wpc!

Of the solid-state amps I've owned, none ever gave me the midrange magic of tubes. The best ss high, while extended and detailed, never rid itself completely of that last bit of hardness. NONE of my ss amps gave me the intimate, magical sound for vocals, jazz and chamber music.

So I own both types of amp and switch from tube to transistor and back frequently. I have tried ss at the bottom and tube on top with excellent but far from perfect results. While the ss bass is outstanding and the tube midrange is magical, the highest-frequency information is still missing and the sound stage is not as large as it could be.

I found that I was happiest when I matched the amp/preamp to the music I was listening to at the time. I tend to use ss amps for rock and big symphonic music. I prefer tube amps for vocals, jazz and chamber music. (NOTE: Lately, my switching amp comes close to giving me everything I always wanted: deep bass, smooth midrange, extended highs, and huge soundstage. But I still miss that caramel-coated midrange of tube. It ain't accurate but I'm hooked on it!)

The best amp for you may depend more on your musical preference than anything else. You may have sufficient power with tube unless you love rock and large symphonic sound, then only ss will do. Bi-amping with ss and tube will solve some of your problems but not all. The perfect amp is yet to be invented.

justin time is correct...even the mightiest of tube amps and the most refined ss amps won't quite do what the other can. the loudspeakers you use are still the most important thing. i have been a long time advocate of push/pull tube amps, trying to have it all so-to-speak. i was recently given a tiny revox integrated which pretty much equalled my reference gear in every way except that 'front to back' depth that tubes do so well. tonally though, it is an equal to an amp that cost almost 5 times as much. the distain many tube enthusiasts have for ss gear is more emotional than reality based. your software(cd's, vinyl), your loudspeakers, and your room are- at the end of the day- are more important for the long haul
I was running 2 McIntosh MC-162's in mono (320wpc) and decided to try tubes. I bought a pair of Antique Sound Labs wave 8 monos here on Agon and holy cow!!! I was running them through B&W 604 s3's by the way, the little 8 watt tube amps (to me) actually sounded better. in the end, in my opinion, it all depends on what your going to listen to. for vocals and Jazz, clasical tubes are the way to go, but if you have those days where you have to blast some Metallica there is nothing like solid state.