Tight-Budget Tube Integrated... Help

Greetings all. I'm looking for a used tubed integrated in the $300-400 range. I currently have Mordaunt-Short monitors, 90DB/8ohm, good-for-the-money speakers. I listen to a WIDE range of music, and do occasionally need to hear some Metallica or Jurassic 5 (with emphasis on the "occasional", everyday music much more like Radiohead or Dave Matthews), and am looking at my options. After pouring over the archives, a few options seem to keep appearing, Jolida 102, Jolida Hybrids, Almarro, Sophia Baby, ASL, etc. Has anyone heard/lived with the Radii products?

Having heard lots of hifi over the years, I realize my budget means compromise, but I want that "tube groove" back. No funds for seperates right now, so integrated it must be.

I have had two Jolida 302B's, both of which developed problems. Frustrated with the reliability issues, I tried a Rega integrated, but sold it. Even my "non-audiophile" girlfriend commented how "flat" it sounded (what a peach! - uh, I mean the girl, not the Rega)I don't need a lot, but I need RELIABLE tube sound in a small, cheap package. The vast majority of my listening is at volumes that you could talk over, if that helps.

I am much more concerned with quality than quantity, if I can even afford to choose at this dollar level.

Thanks in advance friends!
Trelja, I didn't know "Jadis Orchestra Reference" only cost $300 to $400. That's a bargain
Doh! S23chang, I guess it's true about men and reading the directions... That'll fix me to be answering threads here on Audiogon, while tying to get my work done at the same time.

Never hurts to read the thread fully. I guess I saw that he was tired of Jolida 302s breaking down on him, and figured he wanted to take a step up. Do you think anyone would jump on buying my JOR for $300 - $400 here?
Trelja, so of course I read your thread and hit the Web looking at Jadis, thinking "Hmmm,", but was quickly slapped back to financial reality.

I was really hoping to hear from owners too of the 102, or the new "baby" Jolida hybrid. I'm willing to admit that I may have just had bad luck with my Jolida examples.

I just love the look of the 102B, that tiny "electric fireplace". I've not heard one, but hear that the EL84 is a most musical tube, especially in the mids. Most of my tube experience has been of the EL34/KT88 flavor. Audioreview.com is helpful, of course, but if there's some 102B owners out there who would be willing to drop me a line, and share the "good, bad and ugly", I'd appreciate it very much.

Thanks for the responses all, and happy listening.
Aldenruss, I am surprised you would want a 102B after having problems with two of your 302B. Personally, the 302B is my favorite Jolida amp, and I kind of consider it a mini Jadis. I would see about fixing one or both of them, and selling the other - either as is or fixed. Of course, most audiophiles avoid broken gear like the plague, so you are better off fixing it first. Hey, if you want to sell one of the Jolidas cheap, I may know someone...

Anyway, back to reality. How many sources do you have? Do you spin vinyl? If you don't do vinyl, and only run a CD player, or maybe even a tuner as well, I would suggest maybe an NAD 2600A. I just loaned mine out to a friend, and he loves it. As it has level controls on the amp, you don't need a preamp. The sound of going CD direct into it is pretty clean(not as clean as my Jadis), but it has a goodly amount of power, more than any of my tube amps in the bass for sure.

You could also think about an AMC tube integrated.

Good luck on this quest!
I am at a loss.
I, too have seen those Radii amps and licked my chops.

I wish you good luck in your search for a good tubed integrated for under $500.

THe only thing that I know of would be a Pair of the ASL wave 8 mono amps and a cheap Creek volume control.
Probably not enough rock for you there, however, though...

I'd ask that sweet girl in your life for $300 to add to your bank.

For 7 bills, you are getting into a range where there are many more options available to you.

GOod Luck!!!!

Joe- let me know if you want to get rid of that Jadis...