A quality push/pull class A 300b amplifier putting out 18 to 20 watts will drive most speakers just fine and sound very, very good; the Sun Audio unit of this design if very good. A quality EL34 based push/pull class A amp might be a better choice to start with as they make around 35 watts and sound very good.
The fellow that just placed an ad on audiogon offering to build custom 300b amplifiers will also build other types. I have listened to his personal 300b amplifier; it is as good as anything I've heard and I've auditioned vintage Kondo Shinri, Kassai, Ongaku and the current Kondo Neiro amplifiers. Alex could build you a lovely EL34 amp for well under 2k and a spectacular push/pull 300b amp (with a power supply that will handle anything) for around 3000 to 4000. Apparently the more power they make the more expensive they are as the parts required get more expensive!
One piece of advice for a potential new tube system owner: be sure you have a reasonably well ventilated room. A tube preamp and class A tube amplifier will generate enough heat to increase the ambient temperature at least ten degrees. That is just a guess but I know my room gets damned hot and I even take the tube amp (SET 300b) out of service on very hot days and use a solid state Bryston 2B in its place (only a few days per year).
There are more than a few high efficiency speakers available, too, so that should not stop you from a single ended 300b amp putting out 8 watts. My speakers are 96db and 8 ohms; my 8 watts plays plenty loud and with plenty of dynamics. They are Galante Rhapsody speakers and they go for 1100 to 1300/pr used. Other possibilities are the Bag end MM8, Klipsch RB5, Omega Grande 6 and Grande 8, Galante, and others. I only mention moniter speakers; if you have room for floor standing speakers there are plenty of high efficiency speakers available.