Whats the krell sound?

Have heard the above mentioned in either love it or hate it. Whats to love and whats to hate?

thanks(i think :))
I think the Krell sound is typical high end SS. Very analytical, resolved, bass strong, perhaps a bit cool in palate, with a big soundstage. I also think the more expensive the krell, the more body you get to the sound, wiht a sweeter top end. However, you always get bass and control with Krell stuff..that's almost agiven.
In general however, I think typical Krell would compare against a more gernal romantic, euphoric, tube like, liquid, syrupy sound and such, which you might find from most tube gear, or SS with a fatter upper/mid bass and such.
Of course, this is my take. I've sold Krell over the years. And I find the midline stuff is descent, and the expensive stuff is much better. All in all, I like the line...especially the AV pre/pro's for movies.
Krell sounds liquid and smooth as well to my ears.
True not as warm as some tubes, but the sound is good enough so that you won't miss the warmth - it is pleasant enough on it's own terms.

I also like the dynamic quality of Krell - it breaths life into music in a punchy and satisfying way that most tubes cannot.