benefit of Higher power over Lower power Amp ?

Hi, I would like to know if there would be any additional sonic benefit besides having more head-room for a Higher power amp over the Lower power amp (they both from a same manufacturer,with same circuitry design ; 160W and 250 W respectively). Your opinion ,explaination and suggestions is highly appreciated and thanks in advance.

I find the capacitors and transformers to be a more important factor and that its really a matter of sybergy and the sound that the amp you choose puts out. I have a 150wpc Musical Fidelity which puts out transparent clean sound to a point but then starts to clip if it is stressed. I also have a 100watt old Audio research with capacitors the size of soda cans which play less distorted controls and defines the bass at louder volumes. Low power as in my tube amp is great for tonal accuracy but don't ask it to play very loudly. There simple volume will be the issue at 40wpc.
Mitch, I'm with Bigtee -- i.e., there is no reason I can determine why that thread was eliminated. Maybe it's a system glitch???
Generally speaking as long as the amp has suffient power to drive the speakers, lower powered amps will sound better beause there is less in the circuit. Less output transistors etc...

However THIS IS VERY GENERALIZED!!! and not true of all brands. In the end let your ears make the decision (if the wallet can afford it that is :) )


P.S. I also had a speaker thread disapear last week. It was friendly thread and there was no arguing going on. Not sure why it would of been deleted? Maybe just a sytem glich?? Possible the database had a glich and they lost some posts.