Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier

Dartzeel is a relatively new entry to the high-end game. Despite being reviewed by John Marks in a recent issue of Stereophile, the company's only current product offering, the NHB-108 stereo amplifier, hasn't gotten a lot of press on these shores. Hopefully this "review" will do its part in rectifying that.
As many of you probably already know, Switzerland-based Dartzeel is the brainchild of one Herve Deletraz. Herve is a wonderful guy who's dedicated to the very best customer service. As essentially a one-man operation, I'm sure his time is limited, but he's always responded to my e-mails in an extremely courteous, timely manner.

On to the amp. I'm not one for technical details, so I'll leave them to those of you who want to visit Dartzeel's website. Basically, the 108 is a "purist" stereo amp rated at a relatively modest 100 wpc. Its smallish dimensions belie its weight, which measures around 65-70 pounds.

Internally, the amp is incredibly well laid out (if tightly packed), with an attention to detail that one should expect--but doesn't always receive--from components in this price range.

Outside, it's purely love-hate. (Refer to the website for pictures). Either you get it or you don't. Personally, I've grown used to its appearance over time, but it's taken a while to become acclimated. If WAF factor is any sort of issue, practice up on your compliments. Then again, I may be overstating the case. While it's not Liv Tyler, it's not Janet Reno, either. Time reveals its inner beauty.

Performance-wise it's a much more straightforward issue. In my experience the 108 is the most balanced, natural-sounding amp I've ever heard. It has a way with timbre that's downright spooky--up there with the very best tube units one cares to mention. The sound is just "right"--every note is reproduced with a tonal correctness and warmth that is as close to the real thing as I've heard in an amp. Because of it's sheer naturalness, it can take a while to overcome the initial impression that it is somehow soft or rolled off. That is most emphatically not the case! Dynamics are crisp and fast, and the frequency extremes are right where they need to be--not overstated or highlighted at all, just perfectly natural and realistic.

The only potential weakness of the 108 is its power rating. It flows a nice amount of juice for 100 watts, but one could theoretically run into problems with particuarly current-hungry or inefficient speakers. Part of the amp's midrange purity, I believe, is attributable to the use of the bare minimum of bipolars in the output stage. That, of course, comes at the price of power, but in this case the tradeoff is more than worth it. Just take some care in speaker matching--as you should, anyway--and you'll be rewarded with a sound that balances the very best of solid state with a midrange that will make some question whether they even need to fuss with tubes.

Despite its novel physical appearance, the need for careful speaker matching, and the fact that the US dollar has been taking a Tyson-like beating lately, the Dartzeel is a serious contender in the super-amp category. Yes, there are amps out there that do this or that "better" than the 108, but I've yet to hear one that strikes a better balance between the various areas of performance. It's a stunning piece of engineering and a landmark amplifier.


Product Weakness: Appearance is strictly take-it-or-leave-it. Power rating requires some attention to speaker load. Cost.
Product Strengths: Naturalness, midrange magic of the highest order, speed, dynamics

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Dartzeel NHB-108
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): EMM Labs DCC2
Sources (CDP/Turntable): EMM Labs CDSD
Speakers: Von Schweikert VR-4 Jr.
Cables/Interconnects: Jena Labs Pathfinder
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Rock, blues, country, some classical
Room Size (LxWxH): 24 x 20 x 7
Room Comments/Treatments: Echo Buster, ASC
Time Period/Length of Audition: 3 months
Other (Power Conditioner etc.): Shunyata Hydra-8
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner
Cinematic_systems: You, according to one of the "witnesses" (you know the one) says you are a complete lunatic and I should not even waste my time answering you. Your complete lack of subjectivity and your history of bashing absolutely everything everyone here owns shows how small and jealous a person you are.

The witness you mention happened to purchase an entire set of the Jena Labs and feels there is absolutely no smearing or coloration. He felt they were incredibly neutral while having body and extension such as one would hear in live music.

In terms of Rick Gardner's system, you are showing your completely abusive and naive side. To make a statment that his system is "horrendous" when you have never heard it is "horrendously" irresponsible and childish.

Your opinions hold no validity with me and those who see through your nonsence.

Sean: You must be kidding. Haven't we been down this road before? I really think you should rescind your statements and let sleeping dogs lay.
Afox: You're absolutely right--neither my review nor the Stereophile piece compared the DarTZeel to other amps. In my case, I just wanted to write a quick, dirty review that would let people know how good the amp is. I was too lazy to spend more than an hour at the keyboard. But I actually did compare it to several amps: a Pass XA-160, Tenor 75, and Tenor 300 hybrids. Without going into vivid detail (my hands are getting tired), the DarTZeel pretty easily bested the Pass in almost every area; it had much more clarity and dynamic punch than the Tenor 75, especially when the volume was turned up; and against the 300s, it was a closer race, but the Dart was faster coming on and off transients, it was more transparent, and, despite the fact that the 300s have tubes, it was smoother and warmer overall. That's pretty much all I can offer about comparisons. Maybe a professional publication will get around to it one day.
Cinematic Systems, I believe that every component and every cable colours the sound at least a little bit. Everything has a "sonic signature". In my experience, the sweetspot makes a huge difference, particularly when hearing for transient attacks. When you're sitting outside the sweetspot, it's easy to perceive the sound as being smeared. That has been my experience. Anyhow, I think you should refrain from calling anyone a dim wit. It's just not warranted.
"Cinematic_systems: I know you are a dealer and you should disclose this in your posting". Jtinn

"Sean: You must be kidding. Haven't we been down this road before? I really think you should rescind your statements and let sleeping dogs lay". Jtinn

Jtinn: You chastise Cinematic Systems for not disclosing that he is a dealer, yet you do the same thing with most every one of your posts. On top of that, the name that he posts under pretty much gives away the fact that he's a dealer while the use of your personal name doesn't. Unless someone is VERY familiar this forum, is an industry insider or read your reponse to the darTZeel review in Stereophile, one would assume that you were simply a normal joe rather than an industry professional that was directly involved with the productS ( darTZeel, Tenor ) being discussed. As such, fix the blatant holes in your glass house before you start condemning others for having leaky windows.

On top of that, i think that this has been discussed and dealt with over at AA. Why it is still taking place here at Agon, i don't know. From what i've been told, your "planted customer responses" weren't welcomed at AA and you were told that this wasn't acceptable behavior from a dealer.

Once again, i would request that Agon set up some type of identification program for dealers, distributors, manufacturers, reviewers and other industry professionals. While many industry professionals identify themselves on every post and / or make their affiliations known as the situation arises, some lack the scruples and / or self-discipline to do so.

As mentioned, not everyone knows who's who in the industry and there are new people joining the various audiophile forums day by day. This would allow them to sort through the potential hype of someone trying to push a product for monetary gain and / or benefits as compared to an avid enthusiast who is simply sharing their thoughts / ideas / experiences with no financial gains or risks to be had. Why Audiogon won't install such a system into the forums, i don't know. It's surely been discussed long enough and many enough times to know that it is needed. Sean
Sean: You are a troll of the worst kind. I do not have the time or energy to respond point by pooint, but you are making another personal attack on me regardless of my request to stop.

I am going to get some sleep and if I have nothing better to do tomorrow, I will respond.

Get a life you sorry excuse for a man.