Springbok,I was definitely NOT alluding to you,or the 3.2's in my post.I think the little(only in size)3.2 is one of the most "musically convincing" and enjoyable speakers to come along in some time.Also,can be placed in a variety of differing rooms.I think they are a bit pricey,but so were my Avalons when I bought them.
What I was speaking to, was,and is,the endless mentioning of anything Kharma, by a well known reviewer,who just so happens to have these pieces for what appears to me and quite a few others,in the hobby,as an almost "you constantly mention how great the line is,and you can live with your dream speaker for as long as you like"arrangement.This is SO rediculous,as to be almost laughable.Here, this snob reports from CES,where there is virtually a ton of great speaker systems.He pays lip service to a couple that he hopes to review(God forbid,even one would be under 20k),and then,as is almost getting to be TOO predictable,he goes on "ad nauseum" about how,naturally,his new (megabuck Kharma)was the best sound at the show.With the little 3.2 as a leading contender!Keep pitching,Mr V.
I have no problem touting such a fine speaker like the 3.2,as 21k is not that out of the ordinary,and it fits into so many differing environments,but I HAVE heard the MIDI-Ex model,and although it is a beautiful speaker,can't touch some competitors for significantly less.Yet the power of advertising and the desire of a few lucky owners have pushed the pricing envelope the way Vinyl records headed in the mid eighties.
Ex:MIDI-EX at 75k vs Dali Megaline at 42k,or TAD model 1 at 45k,or Nova Utopia at 37.5k,space permitting the Grande Utopia be is still in the MIDI's price range.Not to mention a speaker like the Genisis 200's at around 45k which would smoke the Midi EX,as would any other I've listed here.No wonder Von S is killing the competition.More power to him!!
I have no real vendetta,but would like to see a sense of sanity restored to both the hobby,and audio press.I'm not holding my breath.