I am looking for a preamp for this amp. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I've got a Moscode Minuet Hybred Preamp that may go well with it's big brother 600 amp. It has a tubed phono section and the tubed / transistor line section. Seems like they were made for each other (or at least made next to ech other).
Hi Dvu969

I owned a Moscode 600 for a few years a while back. I used several different pre's with it during the time I had it. I would be glad to offer a recommendation, but i need more information: what components in the rest of your system, and what kind of sound do you like, tubey and dark, leaner and more detailed etc.?
I have matched this monster to two different Krell pre-amps and most recently to Audible Illusions Modulus. The Krells were tight, clean, awesome in their soundstanging. But high-end would roll off. The AI, on the otherhand, doesn't control bass as well, but the lush tube sound is very sweet. Depends on your music tastes, I guess. I originally had the Moscode 600 (with mods) being fed by the Melos GK-1 preamp. Wide open and gorgeous sound. Try it all!