Cost Effective Audio Research Combo

Hi folks. I'm really looking for some guidance putting together an Audio Research amp/pre combo. I'm a former Naim user that wants to move to more power and different gear. (The good Naim stuff has just gotten way too expensive). I'm considering a Bryston 3BSST/BP20 combo or something used from Audio Research. However, while I can talk to you up and down about HiCaps, SNAICS, etc, I know little about the AR brand and some of the better products of the recent past. (Other than the fact that the SP9 was panned by Stereophile some years back). Here is what I am after:

About 100-150 Watts of Solid State power amp.
A nice tube or hybrid preamp that runs cool and has a GREAT phono stage.
I don't want any gear that's more that 5 years old.
I'd like to spend around 2000-2500 on the used market for the pair.
Comments about how what you are suggesting stacks up against the Bryston combo mentioned above

Thanks so much!
Thanks guys. Anyone have experience with the ARC 100.2? I'm thinking of that with the SP16. Can't do tube amp and need stuff that runs cool. Thoughts are appreciated.
I have had many SS power amps and the ARC D200 is an excellent sounding piece, strongly recommended. I really enjoyed its sonic qualities. Also the Odyssey Stratos with the cap upgrade really shines for the used price. Very transparent, well built, and sounds gorgious with a quality tube preamp. Oh yes and runs very cool, even driving a 4 ohm load!
Bryston amps are great but I was never fond of their preamps, lean sounding and from small powered high res Naim to these combo, might not be for you.

Try Audio Research combos, there are so much out there.
Solid state and tubes, LS7 / LS3/ LS3B / and their tube powers are just next to none!

Good luck,
Look for their VT100's and the tube Pre's they have.
You wont need any amps for a long long time I assure you.

I had alot in my life..........Krells - Rowlands - Pass - BAT -...............the cream of the crop in solid states and pricy too.

What speakers do you have? Will help?

If you're looking for a cool running ARC amp, The only ones available are the 100.2, 150.2, and 200.2. These are all class T designs which means they utilize digital switching. I have a ARC D-240 MKII amp and a LS-9 preamp. Both are solid state. The preamp runs cool and sounds great. The amp runs very hot as do most ARC amps. The SS ARC class T amps that run cool can be very expensive on the used market because they are relatively new. If you can deal with one that is older and runs hotter, you can save significantly.