SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?

Tried a new amp in my system on the weekend: the well-reviewed Gamut D200 mkIII (partly based on HP's great review), a single-mosfet SS design. At the dealers' place, it sounded great (speakers were Wilson Benesch Discovery, an isobarak, lower-efficiency design). I can't use a tube amp right now (unfortunately!) due to pending child and the system is on a LOT (2-ch/HT mix), so am looking for the most full-bodied SS amp I can find (prefer fully balanced design to match my modded SF Line 3 pre).

Well, to my surprise, the amp did NOT work out as well at my place. My speakers are 97db Coincident Total Victory. Yes, it was full-bodied, but I was definitely aware of this haze, or veiling around each note. I have a friend who designs amplifiers, and he said that this is inherent of mosfet designs. I called Israel (Coincident) and he was not surprised that I only heard this once I got back to my place, due to the high resolution abilities of my speaker vs the speakers at the dealer's. I guess I will be sticking with my Sim Audio W-3, as it is much 'cleaner' on my system (given that I must stay with SS). Too bad, 'cause my Sim W-3 definitely has the edge in clarity, but the Gamut was a touch more full-bodied.

Has anyone else experienced this 'haze' with a mosfet-based design? I admit, those with higher-efficiency speakers like mine (97db/14ohm) probably are NOT using higher-powered mosfet designs anyways, but I would like to know how others feel about mosfet designs and this issue I had.
I have been using the GamuT D-100 Mk 3 for over a year and it is absolutely transparent and grainless. I do know this amp takes several hundred hours to fully break-in. Power cords are important. I have used the JPS Labs AC+, subsequently their Kaptovator and now the Aluminata with improved clarity with each step up. I used the Audience Power Chord with less success. I use Chapman Q6 speakers which are about 89 DB efficent. Multiple reviews on the GamuT amps which have never been discribed as hazy.
According to the Stereophile review of the 14B-SST the amp has "bipolar output transistors". You can always e-mail James Tanner @ Bryston who typicallt reponds to all inquiries the same day
Sheffb- you're not hearing the 'haze' I experienced because your speakers are 89 db efficiency- not a bad thing, as I will say the Gamut sounded very good with a set of lower efficiency/power hungry Wilson Benesch Discovery speakers at a local dealer's place...