make-over for amp.

HI AuGoNers,
my dad just recently hand over his bedini solid state amp and conrad johnson pre-amp and his kef 105 speakers to me,but instead of keeping them,i am going to surprise him with a complete make over for his equipments.these equipments havent play for the past 8-10 yrs.Can some one give me some advice on which part do i need to replace on these items? i have no clue on where to start..thanks
Do you mean changing/upgrading components?
I wouldn't do that!
I would assemble another system instead and keep it running as-is.
i mean to replace parts within the components.i am not sure which part need to replace to make the amp updated..thanks
The 105's are great speakers. I would replace all of the parts in the 105 crossovers - this will make them superb speakers. Inductors from Jensen, Capacitors from Multicap and power resistors from Caddock. The difficulty is that you will need test equipment to characterize the inductors in order to find replacements. Are you an engineer?

Steve N.
Empirical Audio