Hello Hicourt -
I would like to gently suggest that you may be headed in the wrong direction by trying to match a solid-state amp with your existing tube unit. This can sometimes be done successfully when the crossover frequency is low - around 100Hz or lower (the lower the better). In your case, the crossover point is well into the upper midrange, and I believe you will find it difficult (or impossible) to create a coherent blend given that there are few, if any, SS amps that match the voicing of your 2A3 tube unit. In fact, because the crossover point is so high, you may have some trouble doing this with other types of tube amps. System coherence is a critical issue, and a very tricky problem when crossing over in the midrange. I suspect that you would get the best coherence by using another 2A3 amp, but if this doesn't deliver the bass performance you are looking for, then another tube amp that is at least similar in design (with more power, perhaps) should do the trick.
Have fun!
Best regards,
Steve McCormack