MF A300 to A308: notable improvement?

I'm using Musical Fidelity A300 integrated to drive my B&W CDM 9NT speakers, with MF cd player A3. If I upgrade the amp to A308 integrated, is there going to be a notable improvement? Or should I try Plinius 9200 integrated? (As you can see I'm trying to avoid the challenge of separates) Or should I save up?

What I like about the current sound is a little bit of warmth, musicality. I wish there's more thickness in the sound (e.g. piano sounds a bit like a thin electric keyboard, cello sounds a bit thin).

I do not care too much about the dynamics at this point as I'm living in an apartment where I cannot play that loud.

Thanks for any suggestions!
I can only share experience with the A308, and the A3 integrated amps, as those are the only ones I've owned. I had the 308 with two different speakers. First with the B&W Signature 805's and second with the Revel F30's. It was a great match for the B&W's. They seemed to go together very well. The bottom end was good, midrange was excellent, and so was imaging. The highs were not too bright, and the system seems to be very musically satisfying.

I have a strong feeling that you are going to notice a large difference stepping up to the 308. It is not the solid state version of the Tri Vista namely because it does not use choke regulated power supplies. Although, it is a true dual mono design. A very hefty amp at 55 pounds give or take. Build quality is as to be expected from Musical Fidelity. I'm thrilled with their integrateds. My next step is to try the Nu-Vista integrated. I'm very excited to try it based on my past experiences with MF integrateds. I have never used any plinius gear, but I do know it comes highly recommended. Lately, it seems like you can get a 308 for a very decent price. Somewhere in the ball park of 1700-1800. Worth every penny if you ask me.

My apologies for the erroneous reference regarding the 308 Integrated and the Tri-Vista. It is the 308 separates that employ choke regulation (ergo the CR designation) and draw upon the technologies of the Vistas. BTW, Musical Fidelity has just redesigned their website, complete with manual downloads and reviews, if you are interested.

Regards, Rich
Well I have heard A 308 in my set-up. Driving Thiels 2.3 it made worse job then some Pioneer reciver. Sound was thin with weak bass. Highs took over everything. However it was clean. I could not listen to it longer then for a weekend. My advice - AVOID

Your observations are pretty interesting. At the May 2004 NYC Audio Show, Musical Fidelity's representatives were recommending pairing the MF amps with Thiel speakers ... to the point of claiming that quite a few MF personnel owned Thiel speakers. In fact, they showcased the new kw500 amp with the Thiels 7.2. The sound was OK, but not $20 grand OK ... percussion was not impressive at all. I felt that MF could have demo'd their amps with much better results with different speakers ... trade show acoustics notwithstanding.

Regards, Rich
Well I will stand to what I say no metter what MF personel claims. A308 was clean as I said before but for sure not listenable in long time period or high volume. It was thin and with no body. Again - AVOID