MF A300 to A308: notable improvement?

I'm using Musical Fidelity A300 integrated to drive my B&W CDM 9NT speakers, with MF cd player A3. If I upgrade the amp to A308 integrated, is there going to be a notable improvement? Or should I try Plinius 9200 integrated? (As you can see I'm trying to avoid the challenge of separates) Or should I save up?

What I like about the current sound is a little bit of warmth, musicality. I wish there's more thickness in the sound (e.g. piano sounds a bit like a thin electric keyboard, cello sounds a bit thin).

I do not care too much about the dynamics at this point as I'm living in an apartment where I cannot play that loud.

Thanks for any suggestions!
Thank you everybody for great responses. Let me add one more information.

Over the weekend, my audiophile buddy visited me. He came with a tube pre (forgot the brand) and DIY tube amp. The tube pre/power added a significant amount of texture to the sound and the thin sound became pretty thick. However, both of us agreed that the thicker sound was not as accurate as the sound A300 made. Pleasing for sure, but I didn't think I wanted to replace A300 with the tube combo. (Of course expensive tube combos may change my mind...) The tubes made "extreme tube sounds" to quote my friend and the tightness of the base mostly disappeared. (Mind you, A300 does not control base that well, but the tubes were a lot worse) My friend's suggestion was to add a little bit of tube touch, e.g. tube CD player to add texture to the thin sound.

It seems that the CDM 9NTs can make thicker sound, although they tend to feel like a little bit bright (due to metal tweeter and non-rolling high frequency response). A300 is very good amp for the money, smooth, muscal, warm, and relatively neutral, but as Bunker suggested can sound thin. These statements are based on my experiments and I may be wrong.

Please share your experience with A300/A308, or other MF amps!
Ok Here you go again...
I listened in dealer room A300 with A3 Cd Player connected with Van Den Hul The First IC. Speakers were B&W 600-line, I do not remember the number but they were the biggest in the line. I could not say one negative word about this set-up. I really liked the sound. It was full bodied, rich and pleasant. Well ok, it might not be the last word in detail, bass extension or top-end ariness but still I found it very nice and pleasing.
I had not a chance to compare A308 in the same set-up. However I had it over a weekend in-house. That was bad, I tell you. Maybe Thiels 2.3 are just too hard load for A308, I do not know.
In my opinion MF changed the way they want their electronics to sound. Before it was organic, romantic and forgiving. Now they are for fast, detailed presentation.
I have owned a 308 integrated for some time. I suggest that you not bother stepping up unless your speakers synergize well with the MF signature sound which to my ears is neutral to lean and very clean. The 308 has all the juice and plenty of it aimed at the midrange and higher. It is a bright sounding amp, warm it is not. I stumbled into speakers which happen to work beautifully with it just before I was about sell it. These speakers are JM Electras 936s, have double 8 inch woofers and are front ported so they needed a very tightly controlled bass input. The MF 308 drives them nicely without chuff or boom the top end is clean and detailed without being hashy or hard. The last time I listened to the big Thiels, I was not thrilled with the way they handled power up top niether were my auditioning partners. The treble fell apart at volume and I would say therefore its not the right combination, even if you don't play them loudly.
Well, I have a A308 for 3 years whith Sonus Faber Grand Piano, and a Denon 3910 DVD. The bass is thin, the system is too bright. I don´t like my sound. Even whit my Rel Strata III, I don´t like the sound. I have a Michell Turntable Gyrodec SE, and the bass is better, but the sound still analic. Now I have my oldest NAD 317 replacing the most expansive Musical Fidelity and the Nad have a better sound. Why? I don´t Know. Sinergy? Probably. But I suspect Musical Fidelity isin´t that good at they clayms to be. Like my english!! My advice is to go to something else.
An old thread brought back to life.


Noticed you have not upgraded your system yet or have not updated it.

A few words on the A308 Integrated and the CDM9NT. This goes back to December 29 2003 so the memory is a little fuzzy. As a combination I feel that components compliment each other very well. Both are very articulate and alive. I upgraded from B&K seperates and found the bass to be more robust and the highs more fluid. I did alot of upgrades and changes to the system in the following 2 months all for the better.

After looking at your system I would try different cables. My suggestion would be Synergistic Research Kaleidoscope Phase I active IC's and SR Signature 10 active speaker cables. I feel that this should round out your bottom end giving you more bass extension and maby smooth out the highs.
