Marakanetz is probably correct i.e. other parts inside the amp would probably sustain more damage from the transformer smashing into them than the transformer itself. Depending on how severe the transformer was thrashing about, it is possible to have broken solder connections, broken / cracked circuit boards, wiring that has pulled loose, electrolytic capacitors that have broken their seals, parts separated from their leads, etc...
It wouldn't be hard to test the transformer for proper operation. It either works, the internal windings will have shorted out or an internal connection will have been broken. The first step to do would be to test the transformer by itself. If it has normal voltage at the outputs, it's working fine. You may have to rig something up to keep the transformer secured, but that's not a big deal. Once that's done, now you have to visually inspect the circuitry, addressing any problems that you may find.
If everything there looks good, re-install the transformer's electrical connections and power it up. I would recommend doing this gradually with a variac ( variable AC transformer ) and watching the current levels being drawn. It's not abnormal for there to be a few "jumps" in the curve as voltage is raised, so don't get wigged out if you see this happen.
If you can bring the circuit up to normal voltage without any problems, the next step is to put the amp through the paces with test tones, etc... into a dummy load. If you've gotten this far, the amp is probably okay and may only need a small amount of calibration / adjustment. This would obviously be good news.
Other than that, ANY transformer can be replaced so long as the electrical spec's are known and the correct physical size can be found. Given the cost of most large power transformers and labor to do so, it might not be worth doing on some products. The first place to check for a transformer ( should you really need one ) would be the manufacturer. If they don't have any, i'm sure that they can provide you with the spec's. Sean
PS... Sunfire is handling all of Carver's repair work. Try contacting them with the specifics. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results and service obtained.