Tube Amp Suggestions

I have had the audio affliction for about 10 years. I am finally ready to venture into the world of tube amps and would appreciate any ideas my fellow audiophiles might have. My current set up is theta basic II with a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs aleph 5 and audio physic virgo II speakers. All wiring is tara labs air 1. Budget is $2,000 to 3,000 new or used.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
For a little strech (3995$ list) you could get the ROGUE AUDIO m150 monoblocks new.They got 4 and 8 ohms output taps.
Great product
George a happy owner.
Thanks for the suggestions. To answer a couple of questions that have been posed. The virgo's have an 89db sensativity and pose a 4 ohm load. My room is 14'X20'X9'. Anyone had experience with the Rogue Magnum M120 with these speakers.

Thanks Again
My Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods have an efficiency close to your Virgos but are 8 ohm rated. I am using Shanling SP-80 monoblocs in stock form but with NOS driver tubes. This amp is the only one I know of which gets 50 real watts out of a pair of sweet-sounding EL34s. Mods are available from 2 or 3 places, looks are killer. Built-in remote-controlled preamp can be bypassed simply. MSRP $2495.

U.S. distributor's page
Agree with Rogue M150 suggestion. Great amps, used $3000. Cheaper would be older M120s, but self-bias circuit runs them hot. If you like the Aleph sound, I wouldn't recommend ARC sound, but the VT100 Mk II at $2000 is good value.