Tube Amp Suggestions

I have had the audio affliction for about 10 years. I am finally ready to venture into the world of tube amps and would appreciate any ideas my fellow audiophiles might have. My current set up is theta basic II with a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs aleph 5 and audio physic virgo II speakers. All wiring is tara labs air 1. Budget is $2,000 to 3,000 new or used.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
That is an amplifier spec. I guess what you want from speakers is transparency. It can be evaluated by using reference earphones (Shure ER2: $100, tested and reviewed at Reference Earphones link.

Listen to the recording, then compare what you hear in the room through your system. It can be disapointing, even discouaging, but like Dr Phil says, 'you cannot change what you do not acknowlege'.

Of course the first thing may be to work on setup. Making sure you are getting the most of what the speakers have to offer. You can just check the specs for the amp: to see if it is the culpret, or a participant.

But once you get those right, you will find the 'live' like quality of the music so involving, that there is little incentive to be so concerned about the top end components, cables, or tweaks.
If you have measurable amounts of distortion in your system, especially audible amounts, which get described in poetic terms by the 'connoisseurs of coloration', you will not hear the music. Even as much as actually got recorded on the source material. That is the whole point.

Reference earphones (Sure ER2: $100, tested and reviewed at Reference Earphones link) can be used to hear the recording. THen compare to what you hear in the room, through your system.

Of course there is not much to be done about how the recording was produced, except be selective in purchases. If more were, perhaps the labels would restrain the overuse of those 1/4 million dollar, room size, mixing consoles, and requrire more of the engineers, in capturing more of what the artists create on their instruments.

BTW there is a list of tested and proven sonically superior reference quality CD's in a variety of musical genres at the MUSIC link at
Beware of Didactically; he's like a computer virus! He showed up on Agon a few weeks ago, and has mastered the "clip and paste" technique quite well. All of his posts are a repeat of his dogma of "true to the source" and a cultist's belief in "published distortion figures". No matter what the thread's subject is, rest assured that these two irrelevant themes will be present! Seigfried Linkwitz is his audio God, whom he worships with blind devotion (or for his own financial gain?) and every other approach to the design or to the application of audio technology is HERESY. When asked questions about his listening experiences or a further explanation of his premises, rest assured that YOU WILL NOT GET AN ANSWER, merely incoherent psychobabble. This is actually quite funny, except that there are novices here on Agon who want to learn about high end audio, and they might make the mistake of taking him seriously. CAVEAT EMPTOR!!!
Perhaps one should consult the great Prof Lirpa in addition to Mr Linkwitz. The Great Men of high end audio must be heard.
Fatparrot has NAILED my concerns with this fellow in his last two statements! All audiophiles trying to learn PLEASE do not take didactically seriously if you would like we can post links to his other posts where he the same sales pitch.

Its almost as though Carl_eber has returned only he has been smoking crack for the last few years and well you see what we're stuck with. No offense to Carl should you read this, that comment was made in jest ;)