Odyssey Stratos, McCormack DNA 225 or Bryston4BST?

What would you buy and why. On the used market the Stratos is about 1/2 the price yet continues to get wows from the audio community. Would I be disappointed with the Stratos compared to a Mccormack or Bryston. I listen to all types of music use an Audio Research SP16L preamp, Myryad MDP500 G6 processor, and Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MK II speakers. Cabling is Harmonic Tech ProSilways, Truthlinks, and a Magic Link. Thanks for your experiences and input. Dave.
Just to reitterate what Avalon65 said. All three amps have good resale value. If you buy right you could really buy each one used and not lose too much when you resell. That would provide the ultimate test...listening in your home on your system.

I do have a souped up Stratos and have not heard the other two, although I'd like to hear the DNA. You can give Klaus from Odyssey a call even if you plan to buy used and he will answer any concerns you may have.
What LJ said... Even though Bryston is on my short list of personal wants now, for the money getting a used Odyssey is awfully darned hard to beat. If you can possibly get a chance to A/B a couple of those then that would be highly recommended, but I'd be kinda surprised if you would find that either the McCormack or Bryston were compellingly more wonderful in direct comparison. They all should have enough power for most applications and I don't think you can go wrong w/ any of them. I went w/ an Odyssey 'cause I'd never had a chance to listen to one before and I don't regret it a bit. It drives what it has to, does it well, and left me w/ (relatively) lots of spare change for more stuff to listen to. Good luck w/ whatever you choose!
I agree the Oddyssey stratos is the way to go.
I am a happy stratos owner, I heard the MC Dna 225,
its on the lean side,I dont think they are musical
than the Stratos,I am familiar with Bryston
product,maybe its just me, I was never impressed
with their amp, musicality wise, IMO,Tell you what?
The monos Oddyssey ,they are as good as Plinius SA100,
maybe better,The Plinius is way much better than the
DNA225, Ive heard them side by side,I know a dealer
who no longer MC Cormack, because, He borrowed my
Plinius and was totally impress.Thanks.
If you are going for a Stratos, I also suggest you go for the dual mono version or single monoblocks. I have the dual mono version and think it's a great amp with my Harbeth Compact 7 speakers.
I will offer a somewhat divergent opinion regarding the Stratos. I had one with the cap upgrade for a year driving B&W's. The amp was fine until pushed, somewhat warm and pleasant, always ran cool. At fairly loud levels however, the amp would lose control of the woofers and they would "break free" and become unstable. I ran some side to side comparisons against my Hafler DH200, this amp never exhibited this behavior. FWIW.