Advice on Budget System for newbie

I have decided to finally upgrade my Nakamchi receiver/CD player and need some advice. I have a pair of Paradigm Monitor 5v2 I bought new a few years ago, and would like to keep them (can't afford to replace yet). I need a SS integrated, CDP and cables (no need for phono for 5-6 yrs). The room is 14x25 ft, and I listen to jazz and rock. I would like to keep it around $800 total. How much do you divide the budget betw. amp/CDP/cable? I have looked thru Audiogon archives and will at least audition NAD (320 bee vs 352) and cambridge new. I will also consider used musical fidelity, creek, arcam or other brands, but it's more difficult to audition used units and it may push me over budget. Any suggestions?
You didn't ask me, Maxxc, but I think the rule is pretty much the same for all systems. The difference is that at the high end, you are not going to have to put up with sound that is actually toxic. Even if you upgrade starting downstream, a true high end source should already be pretty easy to take.

Upgrading is so expensive ( cost of new component plus loss on resale of the old component, minus resale value of the old one ) that it makes sense to plan for the best sound possible at every step. Unfortunately that can mean passing on speakers, for example, while you save for a source. It can be hard to do.

I think you will be delighted with your coming source upgrade, and you will be able to hear it at its best. Imagine if you had upgraded your source first, though. Your amp upgrade would have been double fun!

I'm afraid I don't have the same level of experience with high-end components, though my current set-up replaced a much more expensive system of all McCormack electronics, including an SST transport and separate DAC as a source.

As Tobias said, at the high end the compromises you make just don't have as much impact. You should be able to simply tune the system to your preferences by choosing different components rather than spend time and money trying to avoid what irritates you.

I expect the same principles apply, you're just making much smaller incremental changes as you spend much larger sums of money. It argues even more strongly for really taking your time and auditioning equipment in your own system, comparing it carefully with what you already have before you make a decision.
Tobias and Sfar thanks for your input. Yes, I'm expecting a real good improvement no doubt the CDP is holding back the amp and speakers.

I may have the unit tomorrow as it has been shipped. A good weekend of burn in and I should really have an idea how much the budget CDP was holding the system back.

BW Maxx
Thanks for everybody's help. I am definitely going to seek out a music hall CDP, although the upgraded ones seem to be more plentiful (worth it?) than a standard used one. Then, I'll try to audition an audio refinement complete, NAD 320 bee, 352, and consider a cambridge azur. I'll let you know in a few weeks when I get it all set up.
I can't comment on whether any of the various upgrades are cost effective from the several places who do them. It looked to me as if the biggest bang for the buck might be in replacing the opamps since they're such a critical piece in the signal path and there's such a huge spread in the price ratio between the relatively inexpensive ones in the stock player and the high end ones. Many of the other upgrades require soldering, as well, but replacing the opamps doesn't.

I bought a pair of AD8066 opamps from for $54 and the swap was no more difficult than replacing a fuse, as long as you pay attention to the pin orientation. The difference in sound is amazing, particular in bass articulation. Blindfolded, I would have thought I was listening to a more expensive pair of speakers rather than to an upgrade of a couple of fingernail-sized chips.