New Management at Atma-Sphere Music Systems

I have always been of the opinion that good people land on their feet. Ralph is definitely good people. I am 100% confident he will find his way through the darkness.

Judging by the creative, value conscious, supremely good sounding amplifiers he gave birth to, it should be obvious that once he regains his bearings, a lot more greatness will flow from him.
Can anyone access the ASOG server? (Atma-Sphere Owners Group)

It is uniquely coincidental that after some messages were posted questioning Atma-Sphere's new management about Ralph Karsten's curious departure, the server this evening stops accepting connections and now gives a "404 Not Found" error message: "The requested URL /forum/index.html was not found on this server" Especially given that the new A-S management controls the server...
Please don't jump to conclusions so quickly. The server has been fixed. I have nothing to hide. I started the ASOG almost 10 years ago and I don't care to see it go away because chicken little has come to visit. Time will be good to us.