New Management at Atma-Sphere Music Systems

The concern is whether Ralph is being hung out to dry...

As I and others have commented here and elsewhere, I don't think I care who ends up running Ralph Karsten's company after Ralph is out of a job with the company he created. That sort of thing happens in corporate America. Nor do I particularly care whether Atma-Sphere without Ralph will be successful.

What I DO care about is whether Ralph is being hung out to dry in the process; not only being forced into a situation he did not choose (apparently so, given his silence), but possibly being prevented from making a living in high-end audio in the future. This really, ultimately, is not a question about whether their new management team can keep things running, or what the vision for the future may be... For me, this is about whether Ralph is being materially hurt in the process. It is not a “Chicken Little” issue, it’s about whether a person I respect and value is being dealt with fairly and with consideration.

To be blunt, three questions keep preying on my mind, and I am concerned about the possible answers. In the absence of Ralph's agreement to an accommodation with the new management:

1. Will the new Atma-Sphere management try to prevent Ralph from competing in the high-end audio tube electronics market if he chooses to do so? Is new management trying to restrict him right now? If Ralph has a negotiated exit package that includes a non-compete provision, and if Ralph has been compensated for entering that agreement, and if the package is suitable to him, then fine. Otherwise not.

2. Will the new Atma-Sphere management attempt to prevent Ralph from using independently and for his own future benefit the intellectual property Ralph created/invented over the years, or to prevent him from using it in high-end audio applications? (Same considerations/caveats as in 1 above.)

3. Will the new Atma-Sphere management attempt to prevent Ralph from independently making a living in high-end audio, the only career he's ever known, using the skills he's developed over a lifetime? The "press release" sure makes it sound like an A-S exclusive, which is fine if Ralph has been fairly compensated and has agreed; but again there is this deafening silence from Ralph. (Same considerations/caveats as in 1 above.)

What I am concerned about, WHOM I'm concerned about, is Ralph and his well-being in the aftermath this change. That is why I continue to ask Mark Gilmore and Harry Blazer to step forward with Ralph's endorsement to all of this, because, as Springbok noted, Ralph's silence on this issue is deafening, and that is very discouraging to me.

Mark and Harry, I certainly hope you are working hard to make this the honorable transition you wish us all to perceive, and one that will do you credit when all the facts are shared. I would far rather congratulate you and support you than be your critic.
Well said, Rush. I echo 100% your sentiments and believe that, irrespective of the business/contractual details that exist between Ralph and the new owners, Ralph has inspired such loyalty in AS owners that, if the result of the take-over is to deny Ralph the ability to continue to work in the high-end audio industry, there will be such resentment amongst us owners that it can only reverberate negatively for the new AS. The new owners may well say that it's none of our business what transpires in the corporate world between new and ex-owners; however the extent of loyalty and concern that we share for Ralph will make legal details irrelevant to us, the consumer, the present and future customers of Atma-Sphere. Sorry to be trite, but if Ralph perceives his treatment to be shabby and inequitable, then so do we and if the bottom line is customer satisfaction, then the new owners would be best served to keep the customers happy:)!
Oh, SH&T. I've just gone and bought a pair of M-602.2s, and now this happens! Well I hope the amps are as good as I would expect, considering the loyalty you all have to their creator! Good luck to him. And btw, from what I'm told, the courts are pretty loath to enforce non-compete agreements that were either signed under duress, or without substantial compensation. They will not deny someone the right to make a living, but might, for example, restrict him for a (relatively short) period of time or impose a geographic restriction. Course, what do I know? Where's Kelly or some of our other A'gon lawyers when we need them?
You'll be fine - those things are built to last a millenium. When I had a question after Ralph left, Bill Layer was extremely helpful. Worst case, call Ralph. The amps are as good as you have heard. Maybe even better. Mine is.
Swampwalker, how have you been? I can personally assure you that your AtmaSphere M60 purchase is quite a smart one.

Please remember Ralph Karsten's "20 Year Rule". This is an ironclad, all out, commitment to do EVERYTHING he could possibly do to ensure that his products will last a MINIMUM of 20 years. At the time AtmaSphere was founded, the decline of the vacuum tube was in full swing, and American manufacturing was sinking fast. The country, in fact, was in a dark recession. Ralph wanted to ensure that no matter what happened to his company, his customers would be guaranteed the means to be listening to this wonderful music 20 years from ther purchase date.

Even his choice in tubes is influenced by this mantra. While they may not last forever, they seem to last longer than any other tube amplifier. If you come into a good tube, like the mules they have running at AtmaSphere, you could go 20+ years on them - they still haven't gone south on him.

Believe me, from personal experience I doubt there are more bulletproof amplifiers made. Try shorting any other amp and tell me what happens.

And, while we are speaking about Ralph, I want to make sure everyone knows exactly how much of a prince he actually is. Ralph is one of the most down to earth, personable, generous, intelligent, passionate, creative individuals ever in high end audio. There would be NO AtmaSphere without Ralph. In my opinion, the high end community owes him their support to the degree that his ability to land on his feet and be employed as anything he wants to be is assured.

History is full of personalities who were the companies they represented, often falling apart quickly once the departure of the founder was complete. I say the goal is to live and let live, but Ralph's ability to support himself MUST be ensured. To deprive a human being the capacity to make a living is one of the most inhumane, morally reprehensible acts in the world. I have faith the management of AtmaSphere would never engage in such a heinous act. But, if that ever happens, it is the responsibility of the audiophile community to mete out justice via our support.