jm lab mezzo /passlabs 600-good synergy?

Versus jeff rowland 201/302
What would be a good combo preamp with Pass 600.I have a levinson 380s-neutral and dynamic.How is the Pass 600 in the low /mid low freq resolution with other speakers
Nreddy: I match X600 with ARC REF2 preamp and Cello Stradivari Master speakers. The REF2 adds a bit more sweetness and warmness to the top end and mid-range. IMHO, X600 works quite well with Cello Stradivari Master speakers for all ranges.
About yba being thin on the lower end.I have replaced the Bryston 14bsst with the YBA mono passions difference was huge there bass output is incredible.I can assure Nreddy that the big YBAs are fantastic across the full frequency range.