Please explain gain

In simple terms what is gain and why is it important to match gain when bi-amping?

Does active bi-amping versus passive bi-amping make a difference?

How do you compensate for different gains?
I think you'll find that a lot of line-level crossovers (which is what you need for "active" bi-amping) will have gain controls to provide the adjustments you need. You might also be able to simply put a stepped attenuator in line to adjust gain on one amp.
Gain is a measure of the output signal divided by the input signal. It can be a ratio of output/input voltage, current, or power, depending upon the application.

If the gains are not close when used for bi-amping, then the tweeter and midrange/woofer volume levels will vary relative to each other as the overall volume changes. I have never tried this but I would think it would be somewhat disconcerting to listen to. It should be OK if they are at least close.
I am also interested in bi-amping and found this topic and responses very informative,Thanks.
I appreciate Slv's clear definition of gain. Mine is less precise. Although I tried to simplify for a first-timer, I am not highly knowledgeable technically, and to simplify well, you have to have mastered something sophisticated first.

I think it worth mentioning that you can biamp actively, with an additional powered crossover box between the preamp and the amplifiers, or passively, using the speakers' own crossover. If your speakers are already set up for biwiring, they can be passively biamplified. (And of course, there is a possible upgrade path in going from passive to active, as promoted, most notably, by Linn.)

I would be wary of an active crossover with built-in gain controls. My hesitation has to do with the base line reference for the amplification. There is no way I can see for the crossover to know the amount of gain each amp is applying, so all adjustments have to be done by ear. The result could be good or bad. I would much prefer to know that each amp was producing signals at the same level before going to the crossover.

Also, the additional volume controls make for more signal processing, which is potentially degrading to the sound, as well as extra expense.

I would want to be sure these questions were answered before using an active crossover with gain controls to compensate for two dissimilar amps.
All of my speakers(3 sets) are capable of passive bi-wiring,they do provide HF-LF inputs.For now I will only look into passive.I like to go SS for LF,and TUBED for HF.