Stillpoints LP Isolator Record Weight

Has anyone who has auditioned the Stillpoints LP Isolator (LPI) offer their opinion on the turntable accessory? I'm curious if it would provide any advantage over the standard VPI Record Weight / Periphery Ring combo.
Mattheus, I guess I don't know how to send a private message.

I never used the spikes that came with the Bergman. I used a StillPoint Component Stand and first used SP Ultra SSs and later Ultra Five on the Component stand under the Bergman. I also used their LPI record weight.
Just to make your choice a little more difficult, you should also consider the HRS weight as well. On the VPI turntable would keep the peripheral ring regardless of what weight or clamp you choose.
Franks, I am presently assessing the benefits of Hitachi FineMet beads on pigtails that you can use on your power cords. FineMet is much like ferrite beads but much more effective perhaps because of its bandwidth. For whatever reason, these give a dramatic improvement. I'm going to use them in an Exemplar modified Oppo 105. I am also seeing it a Monarchy regenerator driving a Nantais modified Lenco L78 and set to 110 volts, which was the US voltage at the time when Lenco was popular, sounds better. It clearly does.

In short, I am buried in tweak trials. There is magic to be found in music reproduction, but it is not easy to find it. Vibrations are the principle culprit.
If you're going to try the StillPoints LP Weight and own a VPI table, make sure you get the model that is drilled out for a long spindle. I don't think the Stillpoints weight fits on Classic platters unless it's drilled out. At least the model we used at the 2012 Vegas Show didn't fit quite right.
Where can one obtain Hitachi Finemet beads? Are they the same as Finemet Cores?