Capacitor-less amps

I've read some amps have no capacitors. Is this a good design?
Yes, you are correct - I meant coupling caps and not decoupling. The input coupling cap is generally the one in the signal path.

Decoupling caps are from power to ground (parallel to the power supply reservoir caps) to remove radio frequency components - hence cleaning up the sound. the power supply caps, being much larger in size, remove the ripple to clean the sound of those frequencies.
Aball...Yep. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess that the point I was making is that the PS capacitors are such huge values, compared with coupling capacitors, that they would look like a short circuit to an audio signal.
This is a forum where people will argue that different types of "wire" will each have their own sonic signature. Yes a large PS cap will look like a short circuit to an audio signal. Will it also impart it's "sonic signature" to that audio signal when it passes through? You bet'cha.
Eldartford - you should check out Lynn Olson's article "Ultrapath, Parallel Feed and Western Electric" in VTV #16. Of interst here is the section titled 'Audibility of Power Supplies'.