Best monoblocks around 3-4k used for revel studios

hello have begun the search for the monoblock with the power and finesse to drive these speakers.
tube and solid state options are both solicited here.
Jungson JA-50 pure class A momoblocks rated at 80 watts rms are a steal at $2500 a pair from They will drive your studios with ease. I have a pair driving VSA VR5 HSE and they are as close to a tube amp in ss that I have heard.
Built like a tank.
Have seen Rowland model 7's listed in that price range. Great sounding and beautiful to look at.
I have Salons, as does a close friend of mine, so I think our experiences will be valuable with regard to the very similar Studios.

The Power 3's do sound excellent with Salons. My friend ran this combo for a little over a year. Kal Rubinson of Stereophile runs Power 3's with Studios as his reference.

I also ran Rowland Model 6 monoblocks on my Salons for a brief period of time -- excellent synergy and very refined, natural sound with excellent dynamics.

Both the Power 3's and Rowland 6's are $3,500-$4,000 used, and both were over $10k when new. Power 3's produce a lot of heat. Rowland Model 6's are compact and, by hi-fi gear standards, very attractive.

The Salons and Studios require an amp that can produce current, so my advice is to stay solid-state.

Good luck
I should have pointed out the S-H2O costs, new, $2.5k

There are three user reviews at the H2O site that might be of interest to you: