Tube amp to drive MBL 101's

I am looking for some tube amp suggestions to drive the 83db MBL 101's.
... One more thing, which was not fully clear from my post.

It is only the truly great tube amps like the CAT's that have output transformers of such quality that they can really nail the conversion of tube voltage into current. I cannot speak for Mr. Stevens or Speakerdude, but I believe that this is what they are saying.
My salesman at a well-known NYC store was adament that the VTL 750's, which he sells, could not drive the big PipeDreams, and even more adament that the VAC 70/70 (65 watts/channel) could drive the big Pipes with ease.

If a tube amp doesn't have first-class power supplies and first-class output transformers, it won't drive current-hungry speakers, regardless of ostensible watts. I have VAC 140 monos on my Revel Salons in my main system, not an easy speaker to drive, and have powerful, clean, highly refined sound.

And I have heard the CAT JL1 limited editions on my best hi-fi friend's Salons. Extraordinary.

Hope this helps.
"...but its really hard to grasp that an amp capable of delivering 1250 watts can't handle a 83db speaker even if its only delivering 10 amps of current-"

I do not find it difficult to grasp at all.
Speakerdude- Since you may no realize my questions were aimed at you, let me try again. Do you or don't you have experience with MBL 101(c,d or e's) paired with VTL, tube research labs and CAT?

P.S. I was going to let this one go, but since I am getting private hate email from it I figured I should continue ;)
I am wondering if I might be better off thinking about using ss amps instead of the tube approach. Specifically, I was entertaining the thought of using a Rowland 302 on top and a pair of 501's on the bottom. Any thoughts would be appreciated.