"Do you or don't you have experience with MBL 101(c,d or e's) paired with VTL, tube research labs and CAT?"
Yes. Do you? I didn't think so. You seem to depend on specs which are fine for newbies. For you "more watts" are "better" which demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the nature of electrical power.
"I am wondering if I might be better off thinking about using ss amps instead of the tube approach."
No. Although it's pretty hard to argue against mbl's own ss amps which are wonderful with mbl speakers and are second only on these speakers to the CAT amps in my experience.
Yes. Do you? I didn't think so. You seem to depend on specs which are fine for newbies. For you "more watts" are "better" which demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the nature of electrical power.
"I am wondering if I might be better off thinking about using ss amps instead of the tube approach."
No. Although it's pretty hard to argue against mbl's own ss amps which are wonderful with mbl speakers and are second only on these speakers to the CAT amps in my experience.