Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2

After reviewing the archives, I could not find any specifics on the similarities and differences in the sonics of the Tenor 150 HPs hybrid amp vs. the Lamm M1.2 amp. I would be looking at using these with Kharma ceramique speakers. It seems that some favor one amp, while others favor the other. While I have extensively heard the Tenor, I have not had the ability to listen to the Lamm (and may not get the chance before I must make a decision). My question primarily relates to how the two compare with respect the midrange characteristics. Thanks.
sorry guys. i didn't mean to hijack this was more a 'this just happened' kinda thing.

clearly i love digital.....and choose digital about 60% to 70& of the time for many reasons.

my daughter is here with her boyfriend tonite and we were just listening.....Lps and digital....both were was the music we were focused on.
Mike I read most of your post,they are simple and
humble in every way,I understand what you mean,
My only request tell your daughter not to bring
her boyfriend too often, He will get hook on this
Crazy hooby.
Hi Jayctoy - I agree about getting hooked. Come check out the big fish sometime :-)

Brian I would love too.My only problem, I might get
hook with the sound lab,I use to have the Quest ML,
still miss them though.
Well, Tireguy I am finally listening to music in my new dedicated room. Thanks to all of you who put up with my stupid questions, indecision, and procrastination. Special thanks to Gary, Mike, Frank, Howard, and TIm for all their advice and support. After a year of planning, researching the design and equipment and 6 months of construction, our 3rd floor reno (including audio/video room) is almost finished. The audio equipment has almost all arrived this week.

For anyone curious, in the end I ended up going with the Lamm M1.2 references rather than the Tenor 150Hps, as I was scared off by the Tenor situation. I certainly loved the sound of the Tenor and the industrial design, but I felt somewhat more secure going with the Lamms. Nonetheless, I am happy to see this company is now restructuring and will hopefully continue to show what us Canadians can produce. So, now I am typing away on my PowerBook in front of my Kharma Midi Grands, Lamm M1.2's, and emmLabs CDSD and DCC2. I just need to wait for my Jena cables, equipment rack, and amp stands. Anyways, while some of the equipment still needs to burn in, I am quite happy with the end result so far.