The question "The Acoustat Delema"

I have just finished a complete retrofit of a set of Acoustat model 2+2 (yea, the eight footers !) What would be the ideal amp/amps to run these wonderful, beautiful, most ineffieceient, low impedence, power hungry ....I think you get the point? With the remodel they are quiet attractive ! but them so are some of the prices on the amplifiers that ARE STABLE ENOUGH TO RUN THEM!
I got great results with a Bryston amp on my model 3's, and second the TNT 200's.
Find a pair of the Acoustat direct drive servo amps as used in earlier models such as the Acoustat X and Monitor III. If you do, contact me and I'll put you in touch with a couple of friends who are very familiar with the amps and ways to improve them.

I had a pair of 2+2s at one time and found the Bedini 25/25 to work pretty well.

As an owner of Acoustat 2+2s for over twenty years, I still find myself asking that question. But I pretty much go with solid state because I no longer have the patience with tube amps that I did in my youth. If you can find a lightly used Spectral DMA200 from the late 80s then this amp will be your last solid state amp for these speakers; along with the DMC 10 preamp this combo will give you a ruthlessly revealing experence that is remarkable. It will not be a soft fuzzy sound but something that is edgy but not too edgy or ingrating; a good solid enhancement of macro- as well as microdynamics over a tube amp. Plus much better bass drive. Definitely not a warm sound but definitely not a hard sound. Of course the Acoustats are very revealing of the source whether CD or analog. Good luck!!
Dear Chris,
I havent been on this site in almost two months so I apologise for not returning a message and thanking you for your reply. Is that amp you said you knew of still for sale? I purchased an adcom 555 to do the job until I find something a little more stable for the low impedences these big boys throw at an amplifier.
Regards Bo Kirby