The question "The Acoustat Delema"

I have just finished a complete retrofit of a set of Acoustat model 2+2 (yea, the eight footers !) What would be the ideal amp/amps to run these wonderful, beautiful, most ineffieceient, low impedence, power hungry ....I think you get the point? With the remodel they are quiet attractive ! but them so are some of the prices on the amplifiers that ARE STABLE ENOUGH TO RUN THEM!
Hello Chef. I have to agree with Essentialaudio's recommendation in a big way. The acoustat OTL servo amps are about as good as it gets here sir, although they do need to be updated to really shine. When refurbished... I honestly do not think that any other amp [regardless of cost] can compare. My servos {mated to 2+2's} have beat out some very highly regarded amplifiers over the years[both tube and solid state]. I really had to smile {more like a smerk} at the mention of the little 25 watt Bedini driving the Acoustat 2+2"s. As odd as it may look on paper.... it really is the gospel. No... you can't rock out, but it will surely have you shaking your head in disbelief as it makes for one very engaging musical experience. All the best in your search sir and have a Great Christmas.
I haven't been back on this either, bad.
I'll check on the TNT. Someone in our Audio club had it. I'll let you know.
I suppose I shall look into updating my pair of servos at the project of 2005.