AES/Cary DJH Preamp tube change

I am considering changing the 6SN7 tubes on my AES/Cary preamp. Any suggestions? I am considering Electo Harmonix gold pins.
Mprime, how would you describe some of the tube change sounds? More bass, sweeter high end? What is available? What brand of EZ81 can you suggest?
Has anyone tried the Electro Harmonix 300B tubes on the
SE-1. I also intend to purchase a AES SE-1 .
I am currently using a pair of CBS Hytrons which sound nice. I hav eused Sylvanias and Tung Sols with great success. I have also found that I can achieve some nice improvements by changing the 6CA4. I am currently using a Mullard Branded as an Amperex EZ81 in place of the stock tube. I have never heard the EH, prefering to use NOS whenever possible over anything from EH. Moral to the story is experiment to tailor the sound to your musical tastes.

KenRad deserves their reputation for being bass rich. They also deserve their reputation as being microphonic.

RCA is sweet & airy.

CBS Hytron is quick and uncolored (for a tube).

The EZ81 I have is a Haltron.

FWIW, I plan on cycling through most of the NOS tubes out there. Still on my list are the various Sylvanias, Mullard, TungSol, etc.

Like it or not, with this preamp and revealing down stream equipment, you'll find the tube drives much of the sound you hear; so it makes sense to look at tube rolling as a long-term ride.

I found a new NOS Raytheon 6CA4 EZ81 at ebay, how would this work in the rectifier position?