AtmaSphere vs. VTL

Has anyone made such a comparison? WHat differences / similarities did you hear?
Oh yeah...
Power amplifier for Talon Audio Hawks, either Atma MA1 or VTL ST150. Thanks.
The Atma-Sphere MA-1 should be a good match for the Talon Hawk given the Hawk's minimum impedance of 6.5 ohms (8.0 nominal). That should present no problem for the MA-1 to drive extremely well, and the speed and transparency of the Atma-Sphere should be a great match as well.

Jtinn has pretty well described the the overall sonic characteristics of the Atma-Sphere versus VTL, imo. The Atma-Sphere has more speed, transparency and definition; the VTLs will sound warmer and with more body. To my ear, the Atma-Sphere is more neutral in tonal balance.

You should be aware that my bias is towards the Atma-Sphere MA-1 given my decision to run my system with Atma-Sphere MA-2s driving Eidolons. I keep hearing from folks who bought the new MA-1 "Silver Edition" (the current production model) that they are pretty incredible amplifiers.
Rushton is spot on. The MA1 would be a terrific match for the Talon Hawk. It is a 2 way and is not that challenging. I would definitely not use anything less than the MA-1 in the AS line for the Talon.