For those interested in the PrimaLuna Prologue One

I'm currently breaking in a Prologue One in my reference system (and I've also used Tylers Linbrrok Signature one piece system). I'm posting this because of the review in The Absolute sound which was very positive and minimized the value in rolling small tubes......they didn't mention the power tubes.

I found this amp to have a severe lower midrange suck out with the factory tubes using both sets of speakers and using both 4 and 8 ohm taps. The mid range was good, the bass was very good for such a small amp, but there was no connection between them. I changed the power tubes to Svetlana - absolutely huge difference!!!! The whole frequency spectrum is now there. Very nice sound now, especially for the price. Small tube rolling next.
Click Systems under my name - it is temporarily connected in place of my regular pre-amp and amp - and I've alternated my regular speakers with Tylers Linbrook Signature System that I recently acquired.
Restock, Newbee
I have not read TAS reviews but am curious what you would recommend - TAD or Primaluna?
From Newbee's mail it sounds for serious listening Primaluna is not adequate.
For about the same money get a modified Jolida 102b el84 push/pull integrated from Response Audio. With the mods a very good tube amp is made into a much better amplifier. Sounds great with Lowthers, too. About a grand for a new totally modded one is my recollection. I have a stock 102b with NOS Siemens el84 tubes and it sounds awful good; good enough for serious listening if used in a quality system.
Aks434, "From Newbee's mail it sounds for serious listening Primaluna is not adequate." Whether it is adequate or not depends on your expectations, your speakers, and your wallet. FWIW, I just took a 3 week vacation, came back and turned on the One and was floored by how beautiful it sounded - sort of wondered why I even needed my other stuff. If I didn't have it I probably wouldn't really miss the more elaborate stuff that much. I have the Three and Five as well - in comparison to the One the One is warmer/fuller in the bass and lower midrange. Not a bad thing if you have neutral to cool speakers or room. Overall, especially in view of the price, this is an excellent amp. I've also made tonal changes in the One by changing out the power and small tubes, using only current production tubes. I think that the One sounds a bit more like an older type tube amp. You might consider the Two - for a few more bucks you get a faster amp with a more detailed sound and a lot more options regarding power tube choices. FWIW, I've not heard the TAD equipment, but I'm a bit put off by the way they have been marketed.