Krell FPB 200c lack of Power?

I Think that I have a problem with my system, when I listen to music I have to put the volume pot around 11 and 12 o'clock to get an acceptable volume. I don't think this is normal with a 200 watt amp. I used to have a Classé preamp and a 100 watt power amp that had more volume at around 10 o'clock then the Krell does.I had some friends come by so I could get they'r opinions and they said the same thing.
At first I thought it was the preamp so I borrowed a deferent preamp but there was no deference in volume.

My set up is:
Krell KRC-3 Preamp
Krell FPB 200c Power amp
Meridian 507 CD
SME 10 Turntable with Benz Micro Ruby
Linn Linto Phono Preamp
Kef Reference 203 speakers
Transparent Reference speaker cables

Is there any components of my set up that are incompatible? Could this problem be related to something other then the power amp?? Please help!!
Dear Xupacabras: You don't have any problem: usually the Classe amplifiers have an input sensitivity around 1V and the Krells around 2V. That's the difference: you need more volume in your preamp with the Krell.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Question for Dr. Greenman:
"The volume control is NOT a power control - it's a GAIN control."
Can you give some explanation, I'm not very familiair with this kind of technical issues. Thx in advance.