So the Turntable (Project Xtension 10) arrived 3 days ago, and from the moment I placed the needle down on the record I realized that this was a couple levels up from what I was used to. First the sound is flying out of my speakers like never before! Also, there is more everything. This table Rocks on Led Zeppelin Song remains the same album, the song "No Quarter" Has immense weight and force, Jimmy Pages guitar is like a well sharpened knife slicing away while Plants voice is rich, full, powerful and detailed. I have been spinning everything from 80's pop to 50's jazz and One thing I was really aware of was the way it presented the event very forcefully with great tone and weight, ultra detail, dead solid speed control, over my REGA P3/24 w/Dynavector 10X5 (very good combo). I'm still going thru break in and so far I am blown away with the beautiful dynamic and detailed sound from the Clear Audio Maestro Ebony v2. This MM (if the midrange ever opens up) is one of the best cartridges I've heard MC or MM. I still love Low output MC's don't get me wrong. more to come later. Ill post pics in my system soon. This thing is GORGEOUS in piano black laquer finish too.