Here we go again ... driving B&W N802s

I'm a music hound, but no audiophile. That said, I have read a lot here, and learned much from the forum threads. Thank you.

Starting a new system, based on Nautilus 802s. Next step is power, and it's time to consider specific models. It seems that, in no order, Krell and Plinius are most preferred, followed by Bryston, Jeff Rowland, and Pass/Threshold. I've learned bi-amping is best but not necessary, and if not bi-amping, then bi-wiring. And that at least 200 watts per speaker is required, and at least 300 preferred. Despite my many hours of reading, I must say I'm overwhelmed with the choices, but enjoying the process nonetheless.

So now I humbly subject myself to the collective Audiogon wisdom ... what used amp(s) and pre-amp do you recommend for a total buy of up to ROUGHLY $4,000?

Other details ... 300 sf room, plan to own equipment a long time, listen to symphonic, blues, jazz, and rock. And it would be nice to have phono input.
I have evloved to a Mcintosh 352 and it has opened up the 802's enormous potential. High Current. High power. Team this with a good tube pre-amp, and you will be very happy
I too have N802s purchased as close outs. I got a super deal. I am driving them with a Levinson #383 integrated. They sound just fine. But the dealer had Mac 501s driving them in wet-your-pants-bliss. I'm kissing up to the wife now. By the way Cardas Golden Referance on B&W N802s can't be beat. They bested (is that a word?) Valhallas on my system. YMMV. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.
Even though the 802's are a moderately efficient speaker, you really need a ballsy amp to take advantage of their capabilities. I use Bryston 7BSST's, but the 4BSST will work as well. I'm bi-wiring with Kimber Monocle X on the top and a double run of 8TC on the bottom. Great amp/cable combo.