"High Current"

I listen with my ears, and I dont really often care about the mathmatical conclusions but I have a friend who argued with me that Current cannot increase without wattage increasing as a result. I understand the simple formula is Voltage x Current = Wattage or something to that effect, it's been awhile since I openned a book.

How then can an amplifier from say a company like SimAudio which has a nortriously high current intergrated in the i-5 be only rated at 70 watts per channel?

Is it the differences which the current, voltage and wattage measured that makes the overall impact or can you really have an Ultra High current amp at a very modest Wattage output?
Morbius: Those are typical factory specs, nothing like what we are discussing here. On top of that, the voltage swing on that specific Krell is pretty low at their rated 138 v peak to peak. My Perreaux PMF-3150, which is also rated at 300 wpc @ 8 ohms, is rated at 180 v peak to peak. I would like to see what the Krell REALLY clips at into various loads. I have NO doubt that it is a sturdy amp, but exactly how sturdy, i don't know.

As a general rule, so long as current levels are reasonably up to snuff, the amp with the highest rail voltages will typically sound the cleanest and least compressed when driven hard. This is why tubes, with their very high plate voltages, can work quite well. This is true even though they are typically quite current limited in comparison to a "big brute" SS amp. The reason? So long as they have "enough" current to deal with the speaker load at hand, they've always got gobs of headroom due to the high rail voltages. Sean
The reason current is the issue is that high rail voltages collapse under demand and low impedences. Hi voltage measured with high impedence has nothing to do with an amps performance.
Keis: Your comment makes it look like high rail voltages have the potential to suffer more than a lower rail voltage. That simply is NOT the truth. ALL voltages collapse under demand IF there is a lack of current. The use of a higher impedance load simply reduces the need for as much current, but one could still run into sag IF the circuit was still not "beefy" enough OR the circuits response time was not quick enough. As such, rail voltages have little to do with sagging whereas they have a LOT to do with the dynamic capabilities / headroom of the circuit.

If one needed 1 amp, 10 amps or even 50 amps of current, so long as the circuit could deliver it on a timely basis, there would be minimal voltage sag. The idea behind a "TRUE" high current amp is that it can handle any load at any time due to always having an abundance on reserve. That "any time" part takes into account that the circuit is responsive enough to deliver the needed power as needed, not lagging and therefore sagging under demand.

This is why i said that an amp with high rails, high current, high speed, high stability and wide bandwidth is the ultimate amp. It can deal with any load or signal related condition thrown at it and do so with finesse. Sean

I really have to disagree with your remarks on the Krell
FPB-300cx. [ Are you sure you are familiar with the "cx"

I have access to some pretty sophisticated test equipment -
with pico-second resolution - and the Krell 300cx matches
its factory specs - even with heafty reactive loads.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
Morbius: You either don't understand what is being discussed here or aren't paying attention. I never said that the Krell won't meet spec's. What i did say is that we are discussing a different type of spec that Krell doesn't publish. For that matter, most manufacturers don't publish this spec as previously mentioned. While i'm quite certain that the Krell can deliver its' rated output at those impedances, i would be interested to see what it clips at into those loads.

Using the published specs of the Krell as an example, let me explain what i'm talking about. An amp that delivered 400 wpc @ 8, 700 wpc @ 4 & 1250 wpc @ 2, all measured at clipping, it would EASILY meet the 300 / 600 / 1200 wpc spec's. Having said that, it would not be a voltage source or a "true" high current design. It is simply an amp that is somewhat de-rated at higher impedances in order to look "more impressive" or "beefier" on paper.

A voltage source amp ( TRUE high current design ) using the same 400 wpc clipping figure would theoretically produce 800 wpc @ 4 ohms and 1600 wpc @ 2 ohms. While nobody could deny that the "made up" power output ratings at clipping of the amp above weren't "solid", such an amp truly isn't a "high current design". If it were capable of delivering all of the current that it needed, it would "double down" at clipping, not just double the "factory rated specs".

In this regard, the theoretical yet "beefy" amp that easily meets "factory spec's" diverges some 12.5% at 4 ohms from being a TRUE "high current" or theoretical "voltage source" amp. At 2 ohms, the amp nosedives to being 21.9% away from being "theoretically perfect" or a TRUE high current design. One should bare in mind that these "power levels", albeit completely theoretical and made up, are still VERY, VERY respectable compared to most commercially available products. Most amps made today don't come anywhere near these types of figures i.e. they are much worse / further away from being a true high current design.

For sake of comparison to the "theoretical amp" above, here's the factory ratings of the "baby sized" Sunfire amp:

300 wpc @ 8 ohms

600 wpc @ 4 ohms

1200 wpc @ 2 ohms

As you can see, these are the same as the Krell's published spec's that i referenced for the "theoretical" amp referenced above. The actual measured results of the small Sunfire amp at clipping as published in a review dated April of 1995 were as follow:

387 wpc @ 8 ohms

768 wpc @ 4 ohms

1460 wpc @ 2 ohms.

Theoretically, based on the 387 watt clipping figure @ 8 ohms, the "baby" Sunfire should have been able to deliver 774 watts @ 4 ohms compared to the 768 watts that it tested at. VERY close to theoretically perfect as you can see and less than a 1% discrepancy. On top of this, it is 28% more powerful than the published spec, which was already nothing to sneeze at.

As we move to the 2 ohm theoretical output based on the 387 watt clipping figure at 8 ohms, the amp should have been able to deliver 1548 rather than the 1460 that it produced. This is a difference of 88 watts and a divergence of appr 5.6% from theoretically perfect. Obviously, this is still a phenomenal figure but a greater deviation from "theoretically perfect". Even though the amp deviates further from being "theoretically perfect" or a "TRUE high current design", it still surpasses the factory rating by 21.6%. Again, a pretty whopping percentage, especially given the staggeringly high factory rating of 1200 wpc.

Outside of that, one has to wonder if the mains feeding the amp and / or the original small gauge factory hard-wired power cord weren't responsible for the reduced output @ 2 ohms. This is quite possible due to the amount of current draw required from the wall to output this type of power. If the AC system itself were sagging or the factory hard-wired cord were restricting current flow, it would therefore lower the power potential of the amp itself.

Given that these test results were generated on a first generation Sunfire with a somewhat "scrawny" ( 16 gauge ) hard-wired power cord, and the newer models have had several upgraded revisions ( increased power supply reserves ) performed to them with the option to use your choice of detachable power cords, it is possible that they could come closer to being "theoretically perfect" in terms of "doubling down" at clipping.

As such, one can see that most amps truly are NOT "high current" designs. In fact, most are FAR from it. Some amps are "higher current" than others, but as a general rule, "high current" is simply another marketing term used as a buzzword for audiophiles to be seduced by. Sean

PS... For sake of clarity, the figures used on the first "theoretical amp" were only based on the rated figures of the specific Krell amp mentioned above. The actual figures have NOTHING to do with the actual performance of that specific Krell product. It may perform better or worse at any given impedance, i don't know.