Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
Rafael0054, Thankyou, I will put the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium on to the amplifier when it gets here, my amp was made in 2005, however, it's been mostly refurbished with 2014 parts and modifications, also, a due note here, I have studied the wall plug that is oem on the caroll power cord on the krell, as it turns out, it is a 15 amp interpower brass plated plug, about $20.00 plug, it is not phosorus copper, so the fpx cu Furutech will not be a match here for metal, I will be moving toward chanching the plug on the Krell power cord no matter if the Rhodium wpo's work out on the system or not, I did read a wonderful review today saying that the Furutech FI-50 Rhodium wall plug is a match with complete synergy and quality sound with the GTX-D Rhodium wpo, when I do the plug change I do not know yet, I will not have the new GTX-D R until monday or tuesday, then these wpo's take so darn long to break-in, how is what you doing coming along?, do you have some good feed back for me to learn from you as always?
HI Audiolabyrinth.I didn`t know that the original plug was made of brass,I thought it was made of bronze.Anyway If someone elses has tested the gtx d R toghether with FI 50 R in a krell amp with succesful result, then I have nothng to say.Regarding my FI 11 n1 g connector it has reached the 200 hours so I consider it to be broken in.More transparencies appeared, better defined basses and bigger mids.Anyway I must say that most of the improvements came out when I dissambled the cable and cuted the soldered ends (they had a tin surface that made contact with the furutech clamps) I did that after consulting Jim Aud at Purist Audio Design´s custommer support because I suspected that these soldered ends could not make a proper transmission of electricity as the pure copper filaments of cable do.I must say that in the original wattgate connector these soldered ends didn´t make contact with the clamps due to its format.So I´m very happy with the result.Please tell us how improves your system with gtx d R.I Wish you luck in the break in process and of course I learn from you as well.Many thanks for your feed back!It´s allways useful.Cheers.Raf
Rafael0054, wow!, just installed the furutech GTX-D Rhodium on the krell brand new out the box, get this, it is not bright at all!, The krell has the best bass I have ever heard out of this amp, talking about a hit home run here, I am pleased!, the two Rhodium's are awsome to say the least together for the entire system sound, this turned out way better than I ever expected, Bravo!
Hi Audiolabyrinth.Congratulations!!Nice to hear you found the perfect outlet match for your system..Enjoy it!!Cheers.Raf.