Can the Manley Neoclassic 300B handle a 2 ohm load

Hi all,

l am very interested in this amp, however my speakers have a load dip down to 2 ohms, although nominally they are 3 ohms plus. Rated at 96db efficency however.

Would the Manley be OK with this type of load, or will the bottom end be MIA?

Cheers Simon
Hi all,

Thanks for the interesting discussion.

My speakers are Equinox Jupiters, link here;

Eccletique, l have decided not to go down the autoformer road. Decware's amps look like a possibility, going SS is also. Never heard of KR aplifiers, will do dome more googling!

Merry Christmas all.

Cheers Simon
Hi Mondie. It's Christmas and some food for thought! The KR Enterprise amplifiers were developed by the late Dr Kron in the Czech Republic. His tube designs are perhaps the most unique in the industry and sound very special indeed. Certainly worth some investigation if you plan to use tubed amplification. I believe there is a pair presently in the Gon classifieds. The individual has a well written caption accompanying his add. You may want to check it out. Personally... I wouldn't use an autoformer either as it does indeed have some sonic liabilties . I am not that well versed with the current crop of solid state stuff. The only solid scrape amplifier that I ever really cottoned to was the 25 watt/ch Bedini 25/25[it's a real honey] and perhaps the original 25watt Mark Levinson M2 monos.I used both of these pure class A amplifiers to drive stacked Quad 57's in their day. I still have my Bedini to this very day and listen to it periodically for comparison purposes. I will probably keep it another 20 years as well. Regardless of the tube or solid scrape choices, the lower powered examples of each have traditionally outperformed their higher powered bretheren in my experience. Looking at the high sensitivity of your speaker choice,you may want to investigate looking into David Bernings designs as well. Audiogon member Twl uses a custom version of Berning's brilliant OTL design that is very very unique . Tom is a very accomodating individual with many years experience in the audio arts per sey.He uses a speaker design with a similar sensitivity rating as yours. Enjoy the Holiday! cheers David
From the specs,
These speakers need a welding machine type of amplifier that very hardly can be found among tube amps or even class A SS amps don't ya think?